Sunday, March 21, 2010


Feel *no* Fret

... with apologies to the Average White Band....

This is the side of the family that is a lot of fun to play. I found it difficult to get properly-lit pictures with these (I'm a bassist, not a photographer!), so I've doubled them up - one with available light and one with the flash. I'll try again.

Monday, March 08, 2010


Evidence of a Misspent Youth

"Time misspent in youth is sometimes all the freedom one ever has."
- Anita Brookner (1928- )

Found these (along with other "memorabilia" from my days as a traveling musician) when I was looking for something else entirely. I also managed to find the calendars, schedules and booking sheets I'd put away that chronicled the bands and the associated gigs that I played during the time I was "paid scale"!!

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