Wednesday, September 13, 2006
On paper, but not posted

Well, I had promised myself that I would do a better job at flossing. And I promised my good friend Jamie that I would write him more often. I told him about the flossing thing. He said that not writing him often enough might cause gingivitis. So now the blog suffers as well from my lack of commitement. You'd do well to question it. I do have a history.
The band I play bass in is still working lots. Our busiest period was in July when we worked both the Fridays and Saturdays for four week-ends straight!! I had thought that 2-3 times a month would have been enough, and that too much, but I enjoyed every minute of it!
Last Saturday we played a local club on a job we picked up at the last minute. So "last-minute" that we had to find another drummer since the regular thought we had the night off and booked something else. Fortunately, Todd (a drummer I had worked with before) was available and did a very good job considering all he got was a set-list and the original versions of the tunes as MP3's.
Anyway, I have the (somewhat fleshed-out) beginnings of the descriptions and histories of two of my basses. There are a total of 16 basses that form the rotation. I take two per gig, meaning that I played them all in the aformentioned month of July. My favorite at the moment is the one pictured above: a Fender Jazz-style fretless five-string with DiMarzio pickups and round-wound strings. It is by far the biggest project of them all: I finished the neck and body (from USA Custom Guitars) ; drilled the holes for the tuners; assembled and wired it up and did the setup (action & intonation). It's one of the four fretlesses I own.