Monday, September 25, 2006


They hate the band?

We played Friday at what used to be one of the city's jumpingest places. We were supposed to play Saturday, but then we got bumped back because they were going to do a Pay-Per-View thing.

The first set, we played to about 6 people. The second set? One. And the only reason that he was there was because I ran into him on the street and we were catching up (I sub'ed a couple of times in a band he used to work with), and I suggested he drop in and catch a set. That's all he caught. After that, the manager told use that we didn't have to play the third set and to tear down. But.... we still got paid.

Maybe when that place on the waterfront closes at the end of the month, this place will pick back up. I hope so; we are scheduled to play there again at the beginning of November.

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